CACH is back
CACH is a junk debt buyer that we used to deal with all the time. They were a step above other debt buyers… it seemed that they always had a few more documents than other companies did. They were a threat to consumers. We had great success against them, but it was definitely a more difficult time to deal with them. About a year ago, something happened and they vanished into thin air. No more lawsuits, no more collection letters. They were just…. gone.
Fast forward to present day and we’ve found that CACH is back. In the last week, we’ve had several potential clients contact us about new CACH lawsuits. It appears that they have hired JA Cambece law firm out of Massachusetts and Lloyd Wilson out of Oil City, PA. In most of the inquiries that we received this week, CACH was suing on pretty old debt, usually between 3 and 4 years old. It appears that they have switched gears in another fashion as well. CACH used to file all of its lawsuits in the Court of Common Pleas. Now, however, we are seeing that all of their lawsuits are being filed at the local District Justice. Many companies do this as a cost savings measure. They know that most people who are suing on a credit card case do not respond to the lawsuit and do not show up for court. At the District Justice level, if you don’t show up, CACH wins without doing anything.
The key to defeating CACH is to hire a consumer attorney to defend your interests. Hold their feet to the fire and force them to prove a case against you. In order to win, they essentially need your whole credit file. All the statements, terms and conditions and so forth. Since they are likely not going to bring their own witness to the hearing, having a consumer attorney there to review their documentation is essential. We’re looking for any sort of discrepancy with the documents, whether they are true and correct copies, or whether they have been altered. We’re looking for attorney codes, correct jurisdiction, statute of limitations and a number of other factors.
If you are being sued by CACH, please don’t go it alone. Hire a consumer attorney to protect your interests. We offer a free consultation on all CACH cases. Call us at 412-348-8600.