12 ways to Defeat an “As-Is” Clause

Many used cars are sold “As-Is.”  We explain more about what “As-Is” means here:  https://artimlaw.com/lemon-law/auto-fraud/as-is-used-car/  For the most part, it is a dealership’s number one way to try to avoid liability for a bad car sale.  When consumers call the dealership after buy a defective car, the dealership will often say, “Sorry, you bought the…

Is My Car A Lemon?

Pennsylvania law provides a lot of protections for people who buy new and used cars.  We provide more specific information in our Lemon Law and Auto Fraud page, but here we wanted to provide a quick reference guide to determine whether you have a Lemon.  Is your vehicle new or used? If it is used,…

Predatory Auto Loans

A few years ago the American economy was shocked when the residential mortgage market went belly up and people start losing their homes.  Movies have been made, lectures have been held, and a lot has been written on how the mortgage crisis developed over years and the story is a really complicated one.  We have…

Spot Deals (Yo-Yo) Explained

There are two primary ways to purchase a vehicle under Pennsylvania Law:  pay cash or finance.  In a typical Vehicle Finance Agreement, or Retail Installment Sales Contract, the dealership acts as the bank entering the Agreement to “loan” you the money needed to buy the car.  However, if the dealership holds that loan, it take…

DriveTime Is Now In Pittsburgh

One of the Country’s largest “Buy Here, Pay Here” dealerships is now in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc., better known simply as DriveTime, is a used car dealerships that almost guarantees to finance anyone who walks in the door.  Much like JD Byrider, who has been selling cars in Pittsburgh for years, DriveTime caters…

Car Issues from Oil Changes

  At Morrow and Artim, P.C., we handle a lot of cases against car dealerships for auto fraud and warranty issues.  However, occasionally, we also receive calls from potential clients with vehicle issues that resulted from an oil change.  The typical facts are these: “I took my car to get the oil changed.  They gave…

Timing Used Car Fraud

Pennsylvania law, provides a quite a bit of protection for people buying used cars.  Some of the strongest claims involve pre-existing conditions that exist at the time of sale, but are not discovered until after you have signed the paperwork and bought the car.  In order to sue a Used Car Dealer for failing to…